Tutorial: How to Repair a Leaking Shower in 6 Different Ways

Tutorial: How to Repair a Leaking Shower in 6 Different Ways

A leaking shower is no fun at all: it’s a waste of water, and above all, it can end up causing some important water damage to your home if it’s not fixed quickly. If you have noticed that your shower is leaking, you could call a plumber right away, or you could try to fix the leak yourself.

If you want to give it a try, you must first determine where the leaking water is coming from. It’s not always as easy as it sounds, so here are a few tips that will show you how to repair a leaking shower. Keep in mind that in some situations, calling a plumber might be a better idea than trying to do the needed repairs yourself.

1. How to repair a leaking shower head

If it’s obvious the leak is coming from your shower head, you should be able to fix the problem yourself. The leak could simply be caused by mineral deposits clogging the holes of your shower head, so start by turning off your main water valve before removing the head.

If you see mineral deposits inside, let your shower head soak in white vinegar for 8 hours. The deposits should dissolve. You might then need to use a brush to scrub out the debris.

If mineral deposits are not to blame, you might need to replace the rubber washer of your shower head. With the water valve turned off, carefully use a wrench to remove the shower head from the shower arm, and look inside it to find the rubber washer. Pull it off, and replace it with a new one that has the same size and thickness.

2. How to repair a leaking shower faucet

If your shower faucet is responsible for the leak, you should be able to fix it yourself. Once again, start by turning off the water valve. The problem could be a damaged rubber washer inside one of your faucet handles.

Unscrew the screw on the faulty handle, and pull on it to remove it. You will then need to unscrew the hex nut of the faucet stem, under which you will find the rubber washer that needs to be replaced. Replace it with a new one, and put the parts of the faucet handle back together before putting it back in its place.

If that sounds a little too complex for you, or if you are simply not able to remove the handle or to uncrew the hex nut, you might need to call a plumber for help.

3. How to fix leaking shower doors

If your shower doors are leaking, it could be because they are too short to close properly, or because their tracks are not draining as efficiently as they should.

If the doors are not fitted properly, the only solution might be to replace them with brand new ones. But if the door tracks are the problem, here is what you should do.

Take a close look at the door tracks, and locate the holes that are supposed to let the water go back into the shower stall. If they are clogged with debris or build-ups, clean them up, and the problem should be solved.

4. How to figure out if your shower pan is leaking

The shower pan is the floor of your shower, so if you see water leaking from it, it’s probably broken. Check if you see a crack in it. If there is even a small crack in your shower pan, the solution will be to buy and install a new one. You’ll probably need to call a plumber to help you with this task.

If you’re not sure if the water is really leaking from your shower pan, the shower drain might be the real culprit.

5. How to figure out if your shower drain is leaking

To figure out if your shower drain is leaking, you should first wait for the water that has leaked on the floor to be perfectly dry. You should then fill a large bucket with water from another faucet, and carefully pour it down the shower drain.

If some water starts leaking on the floor again, you will know for sure that your shower drain is leaking, and that it’s time to call a plumber to have it fixed.

6. How to figure out if your shower pipes are leaking

If the shower pan and the drain are not leaking, the pipes might be the problem. To check if you have leaking pipes, turn on the hot and cold water of your shower, and see if the water starts leaking, and where it’s coming from if it is.

If the ceiling of your basement has not been finished, it will be easy to have access to the pipes below the shower, and to figure out which ones are leaking. If the ceiling has been finished, you might need to cut a hole in it.

To fix leaking shower pipes, it’s best to call a qualified plumber.

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