Congratulations! Your small business is growing, and keeping up with your bank account and invoices is getting more difficult. Although this task may seem tedious, it is a great sign of growth and prosperity. With growth comes more responsibility, though. The growing piles of bills and pay stubs are becoming overwhelming, and you decide it is time to call in the big guns: an accountant.
Read More →Why Did My Hair Go From Straight to Curly?
Hair is like personality: there are so many different kinds, and not one singular person will have the same one as anybody else. In this way, we are all unique. Similarly, it can make it frustrating to understand our hair as nobody will ever have the same issues with it. There are many reasons why someone’s hair might go from straight to curly. Some people are born with naturally curly hair, while others have straight hair that becomes curly over time.
Read More →14 Best Wine Gift Basket Ideas for Friends
A wine gift basket can be a very kind, luxurious, and personal gift to someone you love and appreciate. A wine gift basket is not difficult to put together, either. All you need are some elegant presentation materials, a craftsman’s choice in wine, and the right wine accessories. Assembling the ultimate basket starts with deciding what those key elements are.
Beyond selecting the right wine, there are some wine gift basket ideas to help fill out your basket presentation. Here are the fourteen best wine gift basket ideas for friends:
Read More →What Are SR&ED Refundable Tax Credits?
For any Canadian-controlled private corporation, partnership, individual, or trust conducting research and development activities in Canada, their work may qualify for SR&ED refundable tax credits. Issued under the Scientific Research and Experimental Development program, these credits are Canada’s largest source of R&D financial support. More than $3 billion in tax incentives go out yearly to more than 20,000 claimants.
SR&ED is divided into federal and provincial. At a federal level, a Canadian-controlled private corporation is eligible for a 35% refundable credit on their first $3 million of qualified expenditures, reduced to 15% in the form of non-refundable ITCs on all expenditures above the $3 million mark. For other parties, there is a 15% non-refundable tax credit on all qualified expenditures. That’s at the federal level. At a provincial level, SR&ED support ranges from an additional 4.5% to 30%.
Let’s learn about how SR&ED refundable tax credits work.
Read More →5 Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating on You
Relationships are hard. We come together with a spark that can grow into love and then we enter into marriage. Taking that vow is a huge commitment and shouldn’t be rushed into because you are committing to one person for life and that means you will only be intimate with them. If that doesn’t work for you then don’t get married. If you can’t be faithful in a marriage, then end it before you stray.
Read More →Top 4 Tips To Produce A Great Video
If you are looking to impress your audience or client base, nothing beats a smartly-produced video production. Here are some of the top industry-known tips to get your video looking its best!
1. Light It Up
One of the top priorities you should give to your video is proper lighting. You can have all the great acting in the world but if the lighting is poor, your video will look chintzy and unprofessional. If the video is being filmed outdoors, try to schedule it for the morning or the early evening. This is when the natural light will be more flattering. Overhead lighting can cause shadows to fall upon the subjects which can be less than flattering. This goes for indoor lighting as well. You should visit the AW Media website if you would like more information.
2. Clean It Up
No matter what the subject matter is, it is very important to think hard about the background you will be using in your video production. Nothing looks worse than a cluttered background. It can be quite distracting to the viewer and looks completely unprofessional. The easiest way to get a “clean” background is to use a solid background color. Whether this is done by a screen, sheet, or even backdrop paper, the method is a cheap and easy way to get the effect you are looking for. Remember to have the subject stand several feet away from the background piece to avoid shadows being cast on the background.
3. Turn It Up
Audio quality is even more important than video quality for your video production. Many people are quite forgiving is the video is not shot in perfect HD or 4K video. The same cannot be said, however, for video with terrible sound quality. Nobody wants to sit through a video with a muffled sound that can barely be heard. That being said, the best way to remedy the situation is to invest in a quality microphone.
4. Stand It Up
It is never a good idea to simply hold the camera with your own hands. Shakiness can, and will, occur. This makes the video look unprofessional and can even cause headaches to the viewing audience. Turn that camera over to the firm grasp of a tripod. You will be glad you did when you watch the final product.
By following these simple tips, you will be sure to have a video with great production value and you will not have to break the bank to get it!
Read More →4 Reasons Why Business Cards Still Matter
In these times where technology is a “must” and it seems like everything on earth must be available in digital format, a traditional business card may seem like a quaint notion from the past. However, they are just as important as ever. Here are just a few of the reasons why business cards still matter.
1. That Personal Touch
While high-tech certainly has its place in the modern world, sometimes you just want something more personal to represent your business. That is where a business card comes into play. By handing someone your business card directly, you can make eye contact with them and really cement yourself into their memory. This is how many great business relationships start. While some may argue it is much too easy to lose a business card, how easy is it to delete a text or an email? Business cards are something physical that we can all hang on to. For more information, visit the The Printing House website.
2. First Impressions
It has been said that first impressions are everything. When you hand someone your business card, it means you have taken the time to create a physical representation of your business. More people are impressed by a nice-looking business card than they are by just another text number or email address. It also provides the client with all of your contact information in a format they won’t soon forget.
3. Direct Marketing
Unlike emails which may get misdirected into the spam folder, or easily overlooked amongst a mass of others, business cards are tied to a personal memory. Handing someone your card, having a brief conversation, and then ending that meeting with a solid handshake will leave a grand impression versus an impersonal piece of data on the screen.
4. Reputation
No matter what naysayers may declare, people are impressed by someone with a business card. It just makes you seem professional and trustworthy. It breaks through the aura of just being a “fly by night” organization.
There are quite a few reasons why having a business card makes sense for not only but everyone in your company. By having a few always on you, such as in your wallet, you can make sure you are making solid and lasting business connections that can be beneficial for years to come. A business card is never a bad idea.
Read More →How to Become a Pilot: 7 Steps to Start an Aviation Career
If you’re an adventurous type and love flying, you may want to become a pilot. This can be both a lucrative and fun career to invest your time and energy into doing. However, it will take effort and the right amount of expertise for you to secure this role. There are many things you’ll need to do if your goal in life is to enter a career of this type.
Are you wondering how to become a pilot? Here are some of the ways that will help you start your career and become an official pilot:
Read More →9 Signs of Midlife Crisis for a Man
For centuries, being a man meant taking your punches, hitting the daily grind, and never falling down. But while men are doing an admirable job keeping their chins up and taking care of their families or burning the midnight oil, the weight of the world on your shoulders can sometimes be too much. This only worsens as you get older.
Pop culture makes fun of the midlife crisis, particularly for men. You always see older men suddenly driving sports cars, changing careers, or having affairs. These may not be responsible decisions, but they can be understandable: You’re 40, married with children, and life has passed you by. Tomorrow you will be 41, then 42, and before you know it, you’re nearing retirement.
Read More →Tutorial: How to Repair a Leaking Shower in 6 Different Ways
A leaking shower is no fun at all: it’s a waste of water, and above all, it can end up causing some important water damage to your home if it’s not fixed quickly. If you have noticed that your shower is leaking, you could call a plumber right away, or you could try to fix the leak yourself.
If you want to give it a try, you must first determine where the leaking water is coming from. It’s not always as easy as it sounds, so here are a few tips that will show you how to repair a leaking shower. Keep in mind that in some situations, calling a plumber might be a better idea than trying to do the needed repairs yourself.
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