6 Best Snacks to Serve with White Wine

6 Best Snacks to Serve with White Wine

White wine is a favorite of many for its refreshing and light taste. White wine also pairs beautifully with a number of dishes which makes it the perfect choice for hosts to serve at gatherings. The below blog post outlines the best snacks to serve with white wine at an event to complement its flavor and prevent an unbalanced taste.

1. Popcorn

A great casual snack to serve at your next gathering with white wine is popcorn. Popcorn is perfect for parties given how easy it is to find, make and share with multiple people. The taste of standard popcorn tends to pair well with whites like Chardonnay because of the buttery taste that both have.

This creamy flavour complements the richness of popcorn without being too overpowering and hiding its tastes. Ultimately, making it the perfect snack to serve at movie nights or social gatherings without running the flavors of both.

2. Dark Chocolate

Another snack that pairs well with white wine is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can be easily incorporated on a platter, charcuterie board or served on its own to guests at an event. When serving dark chocolate its recommended to select a Cabernet Sauvignon because it will complement the taste of it.

Just like dark chocolate Cabernet Sauvignon is filled with rich and powerful flavors that help to balance the bitterness of the chocolate without overpowering its flavor. Plus, most Cabernet Sauvignon have hints of berries, cherries and plums that work well to enhance the taste of both.

3. Chips and Salsa

Although most white wine types can be paired with chips and salsa at an event, party hosts will still need to make sure the bottle they choose has a high acidity level to match the acidity in the dish. When selecting a bottle hosts should consider a Riesling or Pinot Grigio because their flavor will enhance the ingredients used in the dish.

4. Fruit Platters

Hosts should also consider serving a fruit tray at event where white wine is served. Whites tend to pair well with anything that’s sweet which makes the platter a stress-free and obvious choice for hosts. For a more enhanced flavor profile hosts should consider the acidity levels in the fruit they select and matching it to the wine that’s served.

For example: if the white is sweeter in taste then its recommended to serve it with wild berries or red fruits to contrast the flavor. However, if hosts are serving a dry wine then sweeter fruits should be served such as mangoes and bananas to counteract the flavor.

5. Pita and Hummus

Although similar to chips and dip another snack that party hosts can serve with white wine is pita and hummus. For hosts that are serving plain hummus its recommended to pair it with a Sauvignon Blanc because it will complement the nutty flavor of the dish.

For other types of flavored hummus dips its best to select a full-bodied wine that tastes creamier on the palate and will complement the buttery texture of the dish.

6. Baked Brie

For hosts that are serving white wine it’s also recommended to consider pairing it with a baked brie or other type of soft cheese that guests can enjoy. Soft cheese pairs well with both sweet and acidic white wine flavors given its salty yet creamy flavor. Because of this versatility, hosts can choose from a range of tastes including sweeter sparkling wines that cut through the saltiness to more acidic varieties (like Chardonnay) that enhance the creaminess of the dish.


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