How to Throw a Party in a Small Apartment

You are a passionate party lover, you enjoy attending parties that other people organize, but you have never made your own party, due to the fact you live in a quite small apartment? If all of this goes for you, then you should definitely read our hacks on how to throw a party in a small apartment, and you will realize that only things you need are a strong will, creativity, and maybe some party rentals. When you read our list, you will see, not just that throwing a party in a small apartment is possible, but it is also possible to make that party a glamorous one and the one people will go on talking about for days. You may do all by yourself, or you may invite your closest friends to help you and organize everything together. However, make sure to solve the issue of loud music and to talk to your neighbors, as some of them may definitely complain about the noise. All in all, having fun is the only thing that actually matters, so start planning everything and learn how to throw a party in a small apartment!

  1. You will have to reorganize your stuff

If you have a small apartment, you probably don’t have much seating space, being the reason why you should reorganize your furniture a little bit. Arrange it the way you may include more chairs, lazy bags, and similar things, and make space for everyone invited!

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash
  1. Make name tags and label glasses and plates

This sounds like a primary school thing, but it is a quite practical advice. If you live in a small apartment, the last thing you need is having hundreds of glasses and plates around, because people don’t know what belongs to them. And, this is also quite healthier and more hygienic!

Wine glass with wine lined up in a restaurant in Niagara-on-the-Lake
Photo by henry fournier on Unsplash
  1. Spread snacks around the place

When your apartment is a small one, people will probably be all over your place, especially if it’s a party where teenagers or young adults are invited. If you want to be a great host, you should make sure that all of them are properly served, being the reason why you should spread snacks around the place.

Donuts and various pastries with colorful glazing on a display shelf
Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash
  1. Coats and bags should have a separate place

If you throw a party during winter, all of your guests will come in coats and jackets, and that can make even a bigger mess than people themselves. This is why you should make a place to store things such as coats and bags, and that can be either a specific part of a room or a closet.

A macro shot of coat hangers on a rail in a clothing store
Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash
  1. Prepare everything before the guest arrive

If you plan to serve food, you should definitely prepare everything before your guests arrive, as you will have no enough space to deal with cooking when people are there. Additionally, anything you plan in terms of organization, and similar things should be done in advance, so you may just sit down and enjoy with your guests!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
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7 Famous People Who Went to Law School

Believe it or not, many famous people you love and appreciate actually attended the law school, and this article brings you some of the most interesting names. If you still haven’t decided what to study, maybe you will be inspired by these incredible personalities, and decide to become a lawyer yourself one day. On the other side, if you ever need a lawyer, or God forbid, divorce lawyer, think about the fact that a famous person could lead your case, which would probably be the coolest thing ever. Generally speaking, you would be surprised to know how many actors, singers, musicians, or any other celebrities actually hold a university degree from some respected institutions, such as Harvard or Cambridge or Yale. In that manner, we may conclude that the destiny is a weird thing – you dedicate your life to specific studies, believing that you will end up doing exactly that, and then you decide to surrender to your talent and to throw all the years spent at the university away. If we may say, this is also a brave thing, and everyone should surrender to their passions. These people did it. Read our list of famous people who went to law school.

  1. Washington Irving

If you know Irving only as the author of Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, make sure to remember the fact that this incredible author was also a lawyer.

Image result for Washington Irving
  1. John Cleese

Cleese was not only in charge of making you laugh until you die, but he also had a law degree, believe it or not, from no less than Cambridge. However, he never practiced it, as he chose a completely different career.

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  1. Gerard Butler

Not just that Butler finished the law school, but he also had some working experience, as he worked as a trainee lawyer at an Edinburgh law firm. The good thing happened to him when they fired him, as he found himself in a completely different world.

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  1. Jerry Springer

Before entering the world of scandal journalism, Springer had a great deal of experience as a lawyer. After getting involved in local politics and becoming a small-scale celebrity, he got a radio show in the ‘80s, while the rest is history.

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  1. Andrea Bocelli

Not many people in this world are gifted with the voice such as Andrea Bocelli, being the reason why he gave up on his law career. People should definitely be thankful for this, as his music is being enjoyed throughout the world.

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  1. Julio Iglesias

Iglesias completed his law degree in 2001, which was quite late, we have to admit. However, he had an accident while he was still at college, and this accident made him completely paralyzed for three years. During these years, he taught himself to play the guitar and discovered his natural and incredible talent.

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  1. Julian McMahon

This actor that was mostly known for his roles in Fantastic Four and Charmed also attended the law school, although he did not graduate. Apparently, Julian McMahon studied law at the University of Sydney.

Image result for julian mcmahon
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6 Most Stressful Jobs with Good Salary

The list will not deal with some occupations such as a plumber, electrician, painter, but with those that are extremely stressful and bring a lot of money at the same time. The progress in science, new technological discoveries, the Internet, the development of information, trade, and telecommunications – all this have made the life of a modern man more comfortable and much simpler, but from experience we know that nothing is black or white, and as there is another, a little less attractive side – stress at work. Stress is a topic that is being discussed more and more every day. And those who weren’t even aware that they could be under stress, today, under the influence of the media, could identify their symptoms that are associated with the harmful effect of stress. Stress has recently been given a special attention within the framework of organizational psychology. The stresses to which people are exposed in the workplace, under the influence of various factors, can and often exceed the capacity of people to face it. Then, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the work, unexpected conflicts with colleagues, and the success that a person achieves at his or her workplace decreases. It all together acts as a kind of a new source of stress for a person who does not consider his or her work and effort to be insignificant. This list brings you some of the most stressful jobs, which are paid well. Make sure to check out whether your job is on the list.

  1. Surgeon

This job probably comes to mind immediately when mentioning stress at work, as surgeons probably deal with the most stressful situations. But, the average annual salary is around $200,000.

Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash
  1. Lawyer

Being a lawyer means that you will have to deal with some of the hardest cases of murders or similar, and that can bring you a lot of stress. On the other side, it can bring you the annual salary of around $90,000 to $100,000, which is not bad at all.

Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash
  1. Police officer

When working as a police officer, there will be days when you will not have anything to do, but on some other days; you will have some quite serious and stressful cases. It is why the average annual salary for police officers is around $60,000.

Photo by Jordan Andrews on Unsplash
  1. Teacher

If you ask what can be stressful about being a teacher, let us tell you immediately; basically everything! Although it seems that teachers have best jobs, being a teacher may be quite stressful, and the average salary of $50,000 seems not to be high enough.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
  1. Pilot

Although airplanes have never been safer than today, being a pilot is still not an easy job, especially due to some recent events. Pilots have a great responsibility, but they also have a salary of $123,400, which sounds great.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
  1. Firefighter

It is not easy to be a firefighter, as you will often come into the position to risk your own life by saving other people, but this is a very noble position, and firefighters should be proud of it. This is the reason why their average annual salary is around $79,490.

Photo by Benjamin Kerensa on Unsplash
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5 Advantages of Living Alone

If you have made a decision to start living alone, or if you have been living alone for some time now, make sure to read our list of advantages of living alone and remind yourself why that has been the best decision in your life. Before going into details, we just want to remind you of Toronto Movers – as this service may be quite helpful in this regard. To go back to the topic, it seems that the world we live in today is becoming full of people who decide to live alone and who appreciate the freedom they have more than ever. Namely, living alone seems to be in line with the promotion of the importance of personal freedom, personal control in decision-making, self-realization in the business sense, individualism, but this is also the opportunity that came together with a higher level of living standard. Interestingly, this is not just an American trend, but a trend followed by a large number of Western European countries such as Great Britain, Germany, France, but also Brazil, Japan, China, and India. Of course, there are some negative sides of living alone, but we are not going to discuss them in this list, as it will deal with advantages. Make sure to read it until the end!

  1. You will have your own peace

If you ask us, this is probably the biggest advantage of living alone. Imagine coming home from a very hard day at work, and having to deal with a bunch of things. Well, this is not the case when you live alone. You come home, you don’t have to clean, you can order food, and you may rest like a boss.
  1. You will be able to decorate your space the way you want

If you have a specific taste when it comes to decorating, or if you simply want to make it the way you want, you will be able to do it if you live alone. If you live with parents or roommates, this is not an easy thing to do, as you may have to consult with them before deciding to do anything.
  1. You will have a total control over your place

Well, not only over your place, but you will get to have a total control over your life, as you yourself are responsible for everything when living alone. The time you get up in the morning, or when you go to sleep will be only your decision, as well as anything else regarding your life.
  1. You will be completely independent

You have to remember that living alone actually means the ultimate independence. This may be both good and bad, depending on your personality. If you like taking care of everything, paying your bills, and dealing with everything all alone, living by yourself will provide you with that.
  1. You will be able to find yourself

When you start living alone, you get to spend more time with yourself, and you get to know yourself much better. This is probably the biggest advantage, as we all should find ourselves first before we find anything else. It is why you should never let anyone say that living alone is a bad idea, as it can be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
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