13 Different Impacts of AI in Food Industry

AI has enormous potential to produce change in the food industry, with everything from food delivery to assisted cooking on the table. As we see increasing use of artificial intelligence in various industries, in food, industry experts see widespread adoption of recent exciting developments on the horizon.

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Top 5 Safety Tips That a Locksmith Recommends

A locksmith is one of the best people to tell you about safety. They use their expertise to make your homes, businesses and cars safe. Regardless of whether you are a new homeowner or been in your home for a long time, you can use the following safety tips.

1. Re-key When Your Home When Necessary

If you have just moved into your home, then it is a good idea for you to re-key it. The person who had the house before you may still have a key to your home. They may also have given out copies of keys to other people. If you don’t want other people having access to your home, then it is a good idea for you to get your home re-keyed. For more information, Bee Safe & Lock is a useful website with lots of information.

2. Install Deadbolts

One of the keys to deterring thieves from entering your home is to install deadbolt locks. That is why a locksmith will recommend that you install deadbolts on your home. If your home already has deadbolts, then you will need to make sure that they are installed correctly. In addition to putting deadbolt locks on your doors, you will need to install them on your windows.

Deadbolt locks can also help you save a lot of money on your home insurance. Home insurance companies give you discounts for making your home safer.

3. Make Sure That Your Doors Are Strong

It is best for you to have a door that is made of either solid hardwood or metal. Your door should fit the frame securely. A good lock won’t protect your door much if it isn’t strong. If you have a garage, then you also need to make sure that it has a strong door.

4. Make Your Hiding Places Less Conspicious

You should never put a key on the mat. This will likely be the first place that a potential thief will look. If you have a spare key, then you will need to give it to one of your friends or neighborhoods. You will also need to trim the bushes around your home. Thieves can hide in the bushes. Additionally, it is a good idea to make sure that your home is well-lit.

5. Get a Home Security System

Any locksmith will recommend that you get a home security system. If your home has a security system, then it will be less appealing to burglars. This is another way that you can save money on your home insurance.

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9 Types of Barware Glasses Used in Restaurants

For a bar and foodservice operation, commercial barware glasses are essential. There is a wide variety of options on the market today. However, it is crucial to isolate glasses for specific needs. Glassware can be grouped into different categories depending on the purpose and type of operation. If the focus is on serving food, basic beverage glasses such as all-purpose glasses, iced tea glasses, tumblers, and water glasses are appropriate.

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5 Sure Ways to Grow a Staffing Agency

Staffing agencies are often tasked with growing other businesses by supplying them with talented workers. So, it can’t be easy for an agency to overlook its staffing growth as well. Whether it is an agency that specializes in permanent or temporary staffing solutions, growth is necessary. There are two approaches to growing a staffing agency, including optimizing your recruitment function to get more client and delivering more value to them. Here is how a staffing agency can prepare for growth and find the right clients.

1. Develop Relatable Approaches

Maintaining a steady flow of clients is the most significant challenge that staffing agencies face. Staffing firms must convince their candidates that their staffing approaches are a perfect fit. One smart way to show your candidates that you value their time is to offer them a range of lucrative career opportunities. A few techniques to get a staffing agency known out there and attract more candidates can include sponsoring community events and marketing.

2. Differentiation

Attracting talented candidates and lowering rates can bring in more business to a staffing firm. However, that’s not the only thing that makes a staffing firm stand out from the pack. The best value proposition that a staffing firm can give its clients is exceptional services. Committing to provide your clients with a positive experience would result in more business and a good reputation.

3. Automation

The smartest way to improve the performance of a staffing firm is to cut down on unnecessary costs. And of course, there is no better way to cut costs than tasks automation, right? Accelerating and automating recruitment firms can boost office morale, which translates to high productivity and improved efficiency. Automating repetitive and mundane tasks gives recruitment experts ample time to get more done.

4. Utilize Productivity Enhancing Tools

A recruitment firm needs to acquire new clients and candidates, but this shouldn’t be the only area of focus. Tons of productivity and focus are required to grow a recruitment firm. However, productivity-enhancing tools can help keep workers at their best amidst distractions at work. More resources can be found at Global Human Resource Centre or speak with one of their experts if you require additional insights.

5. Hire the Right People

A recruitment firm can’t succeed without hiring the right people. A successful staffing agency is built around finding the right and talented candidates for their clients. However, that doesn’t mean that a recruitment agency should spend all its resources on acquiring new candidates. Research claims that placed candidates can be a reliable source of referrals for new talents. So, agencies should consider asking their workers to refer them to their network. Referrals are recommended by people you already know and trust, so you can be sure they will be good prospects. Also, placed candidates know the competency and skill-level required to join their agency’s roster.

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6 Tips to Keep Pests Away from Your Home

Pests can destroy your items and spread infection in your home. You, therefore, need to get rid of them. To achieve this, you should contact an expert in pest control. But before you call them, you can try out the following tips as they will be helpful.

1. Clean your surrounding to stop pests from breeding

Slugs and rodents thrive in a kitchen with food particles lying around. You should wipe kitchen surfaces to clear these particles so that pests keep off. Find more information and learn from the available resources on the Quality Affordable Pest Control website.

2. Always throw the trash out

You know that pests thrive in dirty a dirty environment. Stashing trash in or outside your house is an invitation to them because roaches will run with their smell and breed in the surrounding. It is essential to make sure that the garbage is packed in sealed bags and put away for collection. Other than that, you should not leave dustbins around.

3. Disinfect and then dry the surfaces

Pests breed in damp areas. Rain creates a perfect environment for fleas and mosquitoes. It is important to dry your surfaces and surrounding so that pests keep off. You should also eliminate flood because it creates a perfect atmosphere for pests to reproduce.

4. Mow your yard and maintain it

An additional way to keep pests away from your home is by mowing your yard. The grass and trees around can be a perfect breeding ground for pests because it provides them with an ideal environment to reproduce. Failure to mow the yard will keep attracting them.

5. Declutter your home

Clutter can be found in basements. That is an ideal place for pests to breed because they need warmth and comfort to survive. A cluttered environment offers all. If you do not need the items lying around, you should get rid of them by selling or donating to family and friends.

6. Check your furniture at the gazebo

Inspect the interior and exterior parts of your home. And check the furniture at the gazebo for breeding pests. Ensure that there is no opening for pests to get into your compound.

One more pest control tip

Spring cleaning helps

Spring cleaning entails decluttering your home and getting rid of items you do not need. This is one way of ensuring that pests do not find a breeding space in your home.

Final Thoughts

A dirty environment is a breeding space for pests. To stop them from invading your house, you should clean your home and its surrounding.

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7 Popular Apartment Necessities for Guys in University

When it comes to your apartment living experience, there are a few things everyone should have. Granted, this will range from person to person, but they are important nonetheless. You wouldn’t want to have to fix a broken shower in your apartment without the right tools, right?

For any guys living in a student apartment, there are certain key items and accessories that will prove to be essential. Some apartment necessities may be a bit pricier to get, while others are about as cheap as a box of chocolate.

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7 Most Creative Tea Packaging Design Ideas

It’s a cool, Autumn afternoon, and you decide to visit your local coffee shop. When you venture inside, you notice an abundance of peculiar, but interesting, looking packages on the shelves. Upon closer inspection, you notice that the package contents are tea bags.

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Six Pointers to Consider Before Signing Your First Job Contract

When you receive the contract for your new job, things start seeming a little real. Your efforts to apply for work and going to interviews have paid off finally. Before getting excited about starting a new chapter in your career, every top employment lawyer recommends that you should look out for these aspects on the contract. There is more information to be found at the Levitt LLP website.

1. Job Information

First things first, are you signing a contract for the job you applied? Although it seems like a minor deliberation, many organizations have different job titles internally and externally. In case the title has changed after the interview or the description varies, make sure you understand everything. Your new job title should also reflect on your role.

2. The Probationary Period

The first three months of your employment contract are known as the probationary period. During this time, your employer will be assessing your skills, attitude, willingness to participate in joint activities, and your performance level. If the organization feels that you lack the skills they were looking for, they may lay you off after the period ends. If you are successful, they will retain you. The contract should stipulate how long the probation will last and your payment during that time.

3. Salary, Benefits, and Bonuses

Most organizations offer comprehensive benefits to their employees, and some of the common ones include private healthcare, ride to work scheme, and gym membership. Read through your remuneration package in the contract before deciding whether you like the offer. If you are eligible for a bonus at the end of the year, understand how to calculate it. Sometimes it depends on the employee’s performance; so, ensure that the contract stipulates the details. If you don’t understand any of the clauses, talk to a top employment lawyer.

4. Working Hours

Understand the number of hours you are dedicating to your employer before signing a contract. It should include how many hours you should work in a day and the time allocated for breaks and lunch. Find out if you need to work beyond the regular hours and if you will be compensated for that. If you don’t like some of the clauses, consider negotiating.

5. Holidays

Every task is easier when you can take regular breaks to refresh your mind. Before signing an employment contract, find out the terms for taking a holiday and the number of free days you get. Find out if there is an option for rolling over your holidays or if you can sell or buy days.

6. Confidentiality

Most employers value their privacy, which means that this clause will be on most employment contracts. Understand what the employer feels is valuable and the information you aren’t allowed to reveal. That way, you will stay out of unnecessary problems.

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Top 8 Tips when Hiring an Elevator Interior Design Company

Elevator interior design companies seem to be very similar. They offer the same brands, the same panels, and the same carpeting. So what things do you need to consider when hiring an interior design company? For those of you interested, there is more information available at MAD Elevator.

1. Availability of Parts

You hired the design company to improve the look of your elevator now. If all the parts are on backorder, why did they take the job? Find out what their lead time is and hope they’re honest about their time estimate. The only way you can plan adequately is to know the designers’ timetable.

2. Customer Reviews

Generally, customers want to give good reviews for good work. If the elevator interior design company has terrible reviews, it’s a major red flag. They could be hiding gaps in their expertise. Reading several reviews should reveal any hidden problems with your hire.

3. Customizing

You want your design team to have a vision. Nothing is worse than hiring a design team only to have the team put a giant catalog in front of you. On the other hand, as the customer, you want some input into the design. You are looking for a design company with creative ideas but are willing to listen to you.

4. Legal Certifications

Can the design company legally work in your state. Do they have professionals that understand the safety standards? It may sound obvious but, if you ignore this tip, you will be very sorry.

5. Support

Does the elevator interior design team stand behind their work? Will they be there if something goes wrong. If you have a problem inside your elevator, you want it fixed. You don’t need a ringing phone that never gets answered. Make sure they will be there for you.

6. Portfolio

The design team you hire may be proficient at design, but they might not be for you. Look at the work of the design team and make sure their work matches your vision. If you want your elevator to be bold, make sure they show the use of vibrant colors. If you want your design to be corporate, you might want a more conservative look. Make sure the designers have something to show you before you hire.

7. Quality

Where is the design team getting their parts, and are those parts quality? You don’t constantly want your elevator to be out of action to fix mistakes. You want to make sure the fixtures they use are right the first time. Ask about where they source their parts, and they’ll know you care.

8. Budget

What is the job going to cost you? Is the design team known for meeting their budget or going over cost? Are they a high-end interior decorations team or a cheaper team. Know how much you want to spend before you start your interior design project and hire accordingly.

Hiring an elevator interior design company is a significant decision. It can be challenging to decide which one is right for you. Now you are armed with some tips to make choosing easier.

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Top 4 Tips To Produce A Great Video

If you are looking to impress your audience or client base, nothing beats a smartly-produced video production. Here are some of the top industry-known tips to get your video looking its best!

1. Light It Up

One of the top priorities you should give to your video is proper lighting. You can have all the great acting in the world but if the lighting is poor, your video will look chintzy and unprofessional. If the video is being filmed outdoors, try to schedule it for the morning or the early evening. This is when the natural light will be more flattering. Overhead lighting can cause shadows to fall upon the subjects which can be less than flattering. This goes for indoor lighting as well. You should visit the AW Media website if you would like more information.

2. Clean It Up

No matter what the subject matter is, it is very important to think hard about the background you will be using in your video production. Nothing looks worse than a cluttered background. It can be quite distracting to the viewer and looks completely unprofessional. The easiest way to get a “clean” background is to use a solid background color. Whether this is done by a screen, sheet, or even backdrop paper, the method is a cheap and easy way to get the effect you are looking for. Remember to have the subject stand several feet away from the background piece to avoid shadows being cast on the background.

3. Turn It Up

Audio quality is even more important than video quality for your video production. Many people are quite forgiving is the video is not shot in perfect HD or 4K video. The same cannot be said, however, for video with terrible sound quality. Nobody wants to sit through a video with a muffled sound that can barely be heard. That being said, the best way to remedy the situation is to invest in a quality microphone.

4. Stand It Up

It is never a good idea to simply hold the camera with your own hands. Shakiness can, and will, occur. This makes the video look unprofessional and can even cause headaches to the viewing audience. Turn that camera over to the firm grasp of a tripod. You will be glad you did when you watch the final product.

By following these simple tips, you will be sure to have a video with great production value and you will not have to break the bank to get it!

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