What Does an Accountant Do On a Daily Basis?

What Does an Accountant Do On a Daily Basis?

Congratulations! Your small business is growing, and keeping up with your bank account and invoices is getting more difficult. Although this task may seem tedious, it is a great sign of growth and prosperity. With growth comes more responsibility, though. The growing piles of bills and pay stubs are becoming overwhelming, and you decide it is time to call in the big guns: an accountant.

An accountant handles your business’s finances, including bookkeeping, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets. They do smaller tasks, such as auditing your books, preparing tax reports, and iterating all the financial information that can confuse you into a not-so-confusing format. Other duties may vary depending on their positions at their respective companies. Some work in contract accounting jobs, while others have long-term careers.

Though they help your business through the nitty-gritty of the business world, they are humans too. Like everybody else, they have their routines, families, and days to go about. As such, we have compiled an example day in an accountant’s life for you to learn more about how they live daily.

1. Wake up and get ready

One’s morning routine sets the scene for the rest of the day. Because handling finances, clients, and bosses can get stressful, accountants often start the day with a mindful morning routine, including making their bed, brushing their teeth, doing their skincare, getting a workout in, making their cup of coffee, eating a healthy breakfast, and planning their day.

2. Commute to the office/desk setup

This may vary from accountant to accountant depending on whether they are remote; however, those who are not will need to allocate additional time in the mornings to make it to the office.

Otherwise, if an accountant works remotely, they will need to set up and prepare their desk for the day ahead of them. This means ensuring that your workspace is clean, the technology you need is open and ready to run, and everything is charged.

3. Start with the hardest tasks first!

Due to the nature of their work, accountants often tend to work on the hardest tasks first. This can mean different things for different people as we all have our strengths; however, this technique allows us to feel more productive throughout the day and get work done when our morning coffee energy levels are still relatively high.

4. Meetings

Depending on the time and day, accountants may be called into meetings. These meetings can include meeting with clients to discuss their financial health and propose tips/solutions based on what you have found, meetings with a partner to discuss how a project is coming along or meetings with your team to review performance and potential improvements.

5. Lunch/breaks

The work accountants do is difficult. Taking brain breaks and lunch breaks are critical to continue doing good work. A short five-minute break every thirty minutes to an hour helps reset your brain and is a great way to ensure you are getting your blood flowing. A lunch break, especially away from screens and technology, helps to recenter yourself amidst a long day and prepare yourself for the second half of the day.

6. Easier tasks later in the day

Now that the harder tasks have been completed earlier in the day, you are left with easier tasks. Although they are far from easy, this helps reduce the pressure put on you when your energy runs lower. Meetings are not uncommon at this time of day either.

7. Commute home

Bam! Suddenly, your work day is done, and you find yourself commuting home. This applies to those that do not work remotely; however, if you do work remotely, it is time to transition from your work life to your home life! This can mean different things for different people: setting up lamps and candles for a different ambience, going on a walk to transition into your evening mood, or getting out of the house for a bit and returning with a fresh mind.

8. Wind down for the day

This is one of the most critical parts of the day for accountants, as the high stressors of the day can often take a toll on the mind and body. Making sure to nourish your body well after work by cooking a nutritious dinner and maintaining your body well by engaging in any form of exercise is essential for a good work-life balance!

Many choose to partake in social events to forget the day’s events and surround themselves with positive energy. Others may relax on the sofa with a cup of wine and a good book. No matter what you choose, remember to take care of yourself!


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