If you dream of having a job where you will earn a lot of money, without getting stressed, make sure to read our list of most relaxing jobs that pay well. Although it may not seem so, there are many low-stress jobs where you can enjoy, without having to worry about the finances, so don’t be discouraged. However, it is true that most of these jobs require a university degree, so make sure to think about that before you enroll your studies. But, if you don’t want to pursue the degree, there are some other jobs that are not stressful at all, although it is not very likely that you will earn a fortune performing them. Those jobs may include being a plumber, painter, landscaper, etc. The most important is that you don’t stress and that you don’t lose your nerves and health just to provide a decent living. This article may help you in that, so don’t forget to read the list of most relaxing jobs that pay well. We took some of the ideas from the Business Insider, and the stress tolerance is measured by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Occupational Information Network, with lower scores indicating less stress on the job.
- Orthodontists
The average annual salary for this job is $196,270, and it seems that examining, diagnosing and treating dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies do not bring stress at all, as the stress tolerance is 67.

- Marine Engineers and Naval Architects
Marine engineers and Naval architect are also very well paid jobs, with the average annual salary of $94,040. The stress tolerance for this job is 67, and it is also considered as one of the most relaxing jobs.

- Computer Hardware Engineers
Stress tolerance for computer hardware engineers is also 67, and the average annual salary is $106,930. If you have a specific Bachelor’s degree from an accredited program, you are eligible to have one of the most relaxing jobs ever.

- Mathematicians
If you are a mathematician, or if you plan to become one in the future, you have to know that you will be likely to perform a job that has stress tolerance of 57.3, and the average annual salary of $103,310. Sound more than cool!

- Law Teachers
Law teachers have a job with stress tolerance of 62.8, and the average annual salary of $122,280. So, if you graduated from the law, maybe teaching law courses is the best possible job you may think of!

- Physicists
The average annual salary for physicists is $117,040, and the stress tolerance that this job has is 61.3. If you have the experience in researching physical phenomena, developing theories and experiments, this is one the most relaxing jobs you may have.

- Optometrists
The stress tolerance for this job is 70.3, with the average annual salary of $111,640. The optometrists’ is a quite simple one, as they perform eye exams to check for vision problems and diseases.

- Applications Software Developers
Applications software developers have the job with the stress tolerance of 65, and they have the average annual salary of $96,260. Developing, creating, and modifying general computer applications software or specialized utility programs seems to be much fun!