Top 5 Safety Tips That a Locksmith Recommends

A locksmith is one of the best people to tell you about safety. They use their expertise to make your homes, businesses and cars safe. Regardless of whether you are a new homeowner or been in your home for a long time, you can use the following safety tips.

1. Re-key When Your Home When Necessary

If you have just moved into your home, then it is a good idea for you to re-key it. The person who had the house before you may still have a key to your home. They may also have given out copies of keys to other people. If you don’t want other people having access to your home, then it is a good idea for you to get your home re-keyed. For more information, Bee Safe & Lock is a useful website with lots of information.

2. Install Deadbolts

One of the keys to deterring thieves from entering your home is to install deadbolt locks. That is why a locksmith will recommend that you install deadbolts on your home. If your home already has deadbolts, then you will need to make sure that they are installed correctly. In addition to putting deadbolt locks on your doors, you will need to install them on your windows.

Deadbolt locks can also help you save a lot of money on your home insurance. Home insurance companies give you discounts for making your home safer.

3. Make Sure That Your Doors Are Strong

It is best for you to have a door that is made of either solid hardwood or metal. Your door should fit the frame securely. A good lock won’t protect your door much if it isn’t strong. If you have a garage, then you also need to make sure that it has a strong door.

4. Make Your Hiding Places Less Conspicious

You should never put a key on the mat. This will likely be the first place that a potential thief will look. If you have a spare key, then you will need to give it to one of your friends or neighborhoods. You will also need to trim the bushes around your home. Thieves can hide in the bushes. Additionally, it is a good idea to make sure that your home is well-lit.

5. Get a Home Security System

Any locksmith will recommend that you get a home security system. If your home has a security system, then it will be less appealing to burglars. This is another way that you can save money on your home insurance.

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